Nov 11, 2015 | News, Taxi Company Market Harborough
Market Harborough in Bloom Volunteers (MHiBV) have been selected as representatives for the East Midlands in Bloom ‘Large Town’ category at the 2016 national Britain in Bloom Campaign. MHibv serve to make Market Harborough visually appealing with floral displays. The...
Jun 29, 2015 | Taxi Company Market Harborough
From the 6th to the 17th of July, Harborough will be put to the test as part of the East Midlands in Bloom competition. Murphy’s Taxis will be escorting the eagle-eyed judges, making sure each regal rose and perfect privet has its chance to charm. Both key features...
Jun 6, 2015 | Taxi Company Market Harborough
Murphys Taxis were delighted to read that Market Harborough has reached the top 50 in The Sunday Times’ ‘Best Places to Live’ guide. Market Harborough features in part 3 of the guide that highlights the best towns in Britain. The section on Harborough notes that...
Mar 24, 2015 | Taxi Company Market Harborough, Uncategorized
Two new vehicles especially equipped for disable passengers have been introduced into service by a taxi company based in Harborough district. Murphys taxis based on Roman Road Market Harborough have invested around in the 2 purpose built vehicles after customising...